After I relax my hair, it is so dry, brittle and breaks and sometimes I end up with relaxer burns on my scalp. What causes this & what can I do to stop it?

It could be that you are not using the correct relaxer for your hair type/ texture. The relaxer you are using may be too strong for your hair type. Hairsavvy relaxers are available in regular and super and the No lye relaxer kits with ultra-conditioners are made with a sensitive scalp formula which provides protection from breakage, even around the hairline.   When you relax your hair, please make sure that the relaxer is ONLY applied to the new growth, applying relaxer to already relaxed hair causes over processing & damage which leads to dryness and breakage. Also, you could be leaving the relaxer on for too long which can also result in over processing. Do not leave relaxer on for longer than the time stated in the instructions.